Misun released another single today, and they continue to impress. I previously posted their song "Harlot" so I was definitely excited to check out their latest effort. I was not disappointed. Nacey and William DeVon provide spacey arpeggios and fat synths over a tight drum line. No sounds overpower each other; they remain in a good balance. Meanwhile, Misun queries "Can you promise me that when we are asleep/All of the dreams that we have are for keeps?" She proceeds to gain comfort from a touch; that physical certainty reassures her of the reality of her dreams. The song ends with soft whistling and birds chirping, symbolic of the dawn of the next day.
As I said before, I'm truly amazed by all the tracks this group has put out so far. My hope is that a full length release and tour dates are in the near future. Their debut EP The Sea is currently up for free on Nacey's Soundcloud as are their other singles from this year.